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NYC In-Person Practice Day: The Blue Buddha — Akshobhya

NYC In-Person Practice Day: The Blue Buddha — Akshobhya

Throughout 2025,our sangha will have a focus on Akshobhya, the Blue Buddha of the East. 

Ananta will lead a practice morning introducing the figure and his significance in the context of our everyday practice. Who is Akshobhya? Why is he blue? What is that thing he holds in his hand? How is he relevant to my life? 

Join us at the New York Zendo for meditation, discussion, ritual, and connecting with community, followed by lunch.

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Buddhist Council of New York's Vesak Celebration

Buddhist Council of New York's Vesak Celebration

Join the Buddhist Council of New York for their cherished annual Vesak celebration under the theme “Peace in Action: Living the Teachings of the Buddha.” Vesak is a revered Buddhist holiday that commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and pari-nirvana. This significant gathering is set for May 18th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, at the esteemed Rubin Museum, which, in a bittersweet note, will be closing its doors this fall.

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Young Adults Sangha

Young Adults Sangha

This is a new initiative led by young Triratna Buddhists! We offer classes by young people for young people. Beginners are welcome!

If you're in your 20s or early 30s, this is a great way to discover meditation and find out more about the teaching of the Buddha in a way that's relevant to your life, right here and now.

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(white) Awareness is Revolutionary Course
to Mar 1

(white) Awareness is Revolutionary Course

When as Dharma practitioners we work together to explore our racial conditioning, it can deepen our practice and open new ways of connecting with ourselves and with others. With greater awareness and understanding, we can co-create sanghas that have higher levels of racial fluency, cultural competency, and the ability to name and heal from harm caused by the racial construct.

This particular program, “(white) Awareness is Revolutionary” is designed for people who present as white, and who seek to explore the work of undoing racism within a Buddhist framework. Does that word “white” make you cringe? We get it! We will unpack that together, along with how it might connect with other ways we have been conditioned, such as class, gender, sexuality and more. Let’s move from horrified anxiety to compassion, and from fear to wise action. We are in it together.

Ananta and Padmadharini plan to facilitate a NY/NJ (w)AIR group in 2024, meeting once a month on-line, likely starting early February. The schedule will be determined based on finding a regular time that works for everyone who signs up -- so please do signal your interest by applying and we will get in touch with you. 

Below you can listen to three testimonials from former participants who are now part of the team. Upayadhi has also offered a video overview of the course.

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NJ In-Person Practice Day: Practicing With the Bramaviharas

NJ In-Person Practice Day: Practicing With the Bramaviharas

At this in-person practice day in Trenton, New Jersey, the Triratna community will discuss what it means to practice with the Brama-viharas, the sublime attitudes, the four faces of love. We will discuss the experience of cultivating metta (loving kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy), and upekkha (equanimity).

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NJ In-Person Practice Day: Finding Balance & Peace in Challenging Times

NJ In-Person Practice Day: Finding Balance & Peace in Challenging Times

  • Central NJ — Exact address will be provided upon registration. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At this in-person retreat in Central New Jersey, the Triratna NY-NJ community will explore how we can cultivate more balance, equanimity, and peace in our lives. We will examine the assumptions and perspectives that underlie our views and experience of the world through meditation and teaching.

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NJ In-Person Retreat: An Exploration of the Madhupindika or "Honey Ball" Sutta

NJ In-Person Retreat: An Exploration of the Madhupindika or "Honey Ball" Sutta

  • Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County at Yardley Friends Meetinghouse (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Triratna NY-NJ presents this day retreat, given alongside the Buddhist Sangha of Bucks County. The theme of the retreat will be Madhupindika or “Honey Ball” Sutta - the discourse of how mental proliferation and views arise, lead to conflict, and how being present and mindful can reduce inner and outer conflict.

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Breathing, Embodied, Present and Connected
to Nov 14

Breathing, Embodied, Present and Connected

Join us for a this 3-day residential retreat, led by Viveka, exploring the technique and insights contained in the early Buddhist Satipatthana and Anapanasati instructions of mindfulness of breathing and body and resonances in the yogic meditation teaching of Mahamudra.

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Regional Padmasambhava Celebration — Facing and Transforming our Demons

Regional Padmasambhava Celebration — Facing and Transforming our Demons

Join us from 7-8:30pm for an East Coast Regional Padmasambhava Celebration — Facing and Transforming our Demons

Historical figure, legend, archetype — Padmasambhava is one of our more mysterious and challenging Buddhist ancestors.

Join us to find out what we can learn from the stories of his struggle and transformation and the transformation of Tibet, and how they apply to our own struggles, internal and external.

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Road Trip to Six Flags Great Adventure

Road Trip to Six Flags Great Adventure

It can be tough navigating life’s ups and downs, and practice helps. But what about spending some time riding REAL ROLLER COASTERS? Here’s your chance.

Srisara and Gary Baker are organizing a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ for Sunday, October 2.

If you haven’t experienced Kingda Ka, Nitro, Medusa, Superman, or the other exceptional coasters at Six Flags, or if it’s been a while, you’re in for a treat.

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Mindfulness for Resilience: avoiding burnout while fighting for justice
to Oct 17

Mindfulness for Resilience: avoiding burnout while fighting for justice

This course will help participants relate differently to the stresses and underlying traumas in their lives and offers the opportunity to cultivate resilience and emotional intelligence. Applied by champions of social change and social justice, it will support their mental wellbeing and ability to stay nourished and resourced in the face of challenges.

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